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September 3, 2024

September Astrological Events

Written by

Vikram Labhe


Astrology Experience 

September Astrological Events


September, like all months, have powerful astrological events that are important to be aware about. But there are always certain events that can have a greater impact than others! If you do not have enough time to read the full blog, there should be one main event that everyone should keep a keen eye on. This is the great Autumnal Equinox. This period can be a great time frame for personal growth, introspective healing, & the agape opportunity for a true connection towards higher wisdom. During this month keep your focus on all of these important events. But, do not forget to really pay attention to the autumnal equinox. Try something new on September 22nd. Reconnect with old loves. Practice healing. 

First, here is a table that summarises the dates & names of the important September astrological events. If you have the time, read further to gain a better understanding of each event to better plan your month of September. 

HTML Table Generator
Date Event Description
New Moon The moon turns its face around! A new lunar cycle, maybe a new you!
Saturn at Opposition Saturn is a planet that holds the potential for much change & when Saturn is in opposition to earth its power can be more readily felt.

Full Moon


Partial Lunar Eclipse

The moon is in its fullest form! But in addition to the full moon, there will be a partial eclipse. Enjoy the lunar power, but be careful of how an eclipse could affect your psych.
Autumnal Equinox The autumn equinox is a great time for the self. Meditate, explore your spiritual practices, & connect with higher consciousness.

September 3, 2024: New Moon at 07:25

Astronomical Context: The New Moon kicks off a fresh lunar cycle, slipping between Earth and the Sun like a celestial hide-and-seek champion! During this phase, the Moon's illuminated side faces away from us, creating a dark night sky. This event is essential for astronomers and stargazers because it provides an ideal condition for observing faint celestial objects, including distant galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters, which are otherwise obscured by the moonlight.

Astrological Context: In astrology, the New Moon is like hitting the reset button—a perfect time to start something new. Occurring in Virgo, this New Moon emphasises themes of organisation, health, and self-improvement. Virgo, an earth sign ruled by Mercury, is associated with meticulousness, practicality, and service. This is an excellent time to focus on personal growth, particularly in areas related to health, daily routines, and work. Think of it as the universe’s way of saying, “Time to declutter!” This is the moment to set intentions that pave the way for long-term success. Meditations & rituals aimed at improving efficiency and well-being are particularly potent during this New Moon.

September 8, 2024: Saturn at Opposition

Astronomical Context: Saturn at opposition is like a cosmic showstopper, with Earth perfectly positioned between Saturn and the Sun, putting Saturn in the spotlight of our night sky. This is the best time of the year to observe Saturn, as it is closest to Earth and fully illuminated by the Sun, making it appear brighter and larger through a telescope. Saturn’s rings, one of the most stunning features in the solar system, are tilted at an optimal angle for viewing, providing a spectacular sight for observers. During opposition, Saturn is visible all night, rising at sunset and setting at sunrise, making it an ideal target for stargazers and astronomers alike. This is the day to truly soak up the celestial beauty of one of the most brilliant planets we can see with our eyes. 

Astrological Context: Saturn is known as the taskmaster of the zodiac, representing discipline, responsibility, and structure. When Saturn is in opposition, its stern influence is at full blast, bringing themes of authority and long-term goals into sharp focus. This period can be challenging, as Saturn often brings lessons that require perseverance and hard work. However, it also offers opportunities for significant personal growth and the establishment of solid foundations for the future. This is a time to focus on responsibilities, face challenges head-on, and embrace the wisdom that comes from overcoming obstacles. Saturn’s energy encourages maturity, patience, and a commitment to long-term success.

September 18, 2024: Full Moon at 08:04

Astronomical Context: The Full Moon is when Earth plays middleman between the Sun and the Moon, lighting up the lunar surface like a cosmic spotlight. But this isn’t just any Full Moon—it's got a bonus feature: a partial lunar eclipse, where the Earth’s shadow will cover a portion of the Moon. The Full Moon is a time of maximum illumination and visibility, and it rises at sunset and sets at sunrise, making it visible throughout the night. Full Moons are often associated with increased light and activity, and they offer a great opportunity for night photography and lunar observation. The partial lunar eclipse will add an extra layer of interest for skywatchers, as the Earth’s shadow gradually covers part of the Moon.

Astrological Context: The Full Moon represents culmination, completion, and illumination. It is a time when the seeds planted during the New Moon come to fruition, and emotions often run high. This Full Moon, occurring in the sign of Pisces, highlights themes of intuition, spirituality, and emotional depth. The simultaneous partial lunar eclipse adds intensity, signalling significant shifts or revelations. Eclipses are often seen as times of change and realignment, where what has been hidden comes to light. This is a powerful period for releasing old patterns, gaining clarity, and embracing new beginnings. The energy of the Full Moon encourages letting go of what no longer serves and embracing the insights that arise during this time.

September 18, 2024: Partial Lunar Eclipse at 08:14 (Magnitude: 0.085)

Astronomical Context: During this partial lunar eclipse, Earth’s shadow will give the Moon a bit of a cosmic makeover, but with a magnitude of 0.085, it’s more of a subtle touch-up than a dramatic transformation. Only a small portion of the Moon will enter the Earth’s umbra (the central part of the shadow), making it a subtle but observable event. Unlike a total lunar eclipse, where the entire Moon is covered and can take on a reddish hue, this partial eclipse will result in a slight darkening of one edge of the Moon. For observers in the right geographical location, this eclipse will be visible during the early morning hours, providing a chance to witness a relatively rare celestial event.

Astrological Context: Astrologically, a lunar eclipse represents a powerful time of endings, revelations, and transformations. Eclipses are often seen as cosmic turning points, where significant changes or shifts occur, particularly in the areas of life governed by the Moon’s position in the natal chart. This partial lunar eclipse in Pisces suggests a time of emotional release, spiritual awakening, and heightened intuition. It may bring up deep-seated emotions or hidden issues that need to be addressed and resolved. The eclipse energy encourages letting go of old emotional baggage, embracing change, and moving forward with a clearer sense of purpose and understanding. Spend some time during this day to introspect, heal, and renew. Encourage yourself to let go of old emotional baggage and step forward with a refreshed sense of purpose and clarity.

September 22, 2024: Autumnal Equinox at 18:14

Astronomical Context: Get ready to catch a celestial rendezvous that’s out of this world! The Moon is about to cozy up with the Pleiades, that famous star cluster in Taurus you’ve probably seen twinkling like a group of cosmic BFFs in the night sky. Known as the “Seven Sisters,” these stars are so iconic they could practically have their own reality show. On this magical night, the Moon will swoop within a hair’s breadth—just 0.2° south—of the Pleiades, making for a jaw-dropping visual treat. Imagine the bright, glowing Moon playing host to these distant, delicate stars, all together in one stellar family photo. It’s like the universe’s version of a double feature, perfect for skywatchers who love a good show. Don’t forget your binoculars; this close approach is one spectacle you won’t want to miss.

Astrological Context: In the mystical world of astrology, the Pleiades are the ultimate spiritual gurus, offering lessons in growth, healing, and wisdom from the cosmos. When the Moon gets up close and personal with these starry sisters, it’s like getting a VIP pass to an emotional and spiritual spa day. This is prime time for some deep soul-searching and a bit of cosmic therapy. Picture yourself letting go of old baggage, healing past wounds, and tuning into some seriously high vibes. The Moon’s proximity to the Pleiades amps up your ability to tap into your inner guru and align with your spiritual path. Whether through meditation, dreams, or those “aha!” moments, this is the moment to seek wisdom and insight. It’s the universe’s way of saying, “You’ve got this—go forth and grow!”


This september can definitely be categorised as a transformative month. While there are some regular astrological events, this month truly has stand out events that cannot be missed. Saturn’s opposition will bring focus. The tag team combo of the Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse will make what otherwise would be a normal full moon, into a more interesting & powerful event. And finally, to close off this month, the autumnal equinox will bring our hetty summer to an end, and our falling leaves into fashion. As this month comes to an end, everything can be brought into balance. These celestial events played a crucial role in my evolution and offered others a chance to realign with their purpose, release what no longer serves them, and find harmony in their lives.