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February 19, 2024

Panchanga - Synergy of Time (Kala) and Five Elements (Panchabhutas)

Written by

Srikant Tadigadapa


Astrology Experience 

Panchanga - Synergy of Time (Kala) and Five Elements (Panchabhutas)


All creatures on earth are governed by Time or Kala. In Brihadaranyaka Upanishad  Yajnavalkya describes the  concept of time as follows:

"Time is the womb of all that is born. It is the father of all that is created. It is the sustainer of all that exists. It is the destroyer of all that ceases to be.”

Prana and Time Measurement

The life span on earth is derived on smallest unit of time, applied to the humans called “Prana”, which means breath. Prana is one cycle of exhalation and inhalation.

Prana can be translated from Sanskrit as “life force energy,” “vital energy,” “breath of life,” “spirit-energy”.  This original creative power is constantly flowing around us and inside us.

According to Yoga, “Nadi” is a Sanskrit word that denotes flow or channel through which the “Prana” or the vital life energy travels throughout the body. Both our nostrils are connected to different attributes in our bodies.

The right nostril links to Pingala Nadi, related to masculine energy, heat, dynamism, and the Sun. Breathing primarily through the right nostril activates Pingala Nadi (a method known as 'Surya bhedana' or 'Sun activating' breath).

The left nostril links to Ida Nadi, connected to feminine energy, coolness, calmness and the Moon. Breathing primarily through the left nostril activates Ida Nadi (a technique known as 'Chandra bhedana' or 'Moon activating' breath).

The time measurement is derived from Sun and Moon, as “Prana” flows from Pingala (Surya Nadi) and Ida (Chandra Nadi) Nadis in humans as per Yoga. Hence, it can be concluded that, “Prana” is the basis for Time.

The different time measures are as below:

1 Prana 15 Seconds
6 Pranas 1 Vighati
60 Vighatis 1 Ghati (1 Ghati = 24 mins)
2 Ghatis 1 Muhurta (48 mins)
2.5 Ghatis 1 Hora (1 Hour)
60 Ghatis Ahoratra (Day)
1 Ahoratra 360X60 = 21600 Pranas
30 Ahoratra 1 Masa (Month)
2 Masas 1 Ritu (Season)
6 Masas 1 Ayana (Half-year - Uttarayana and Dakshinayana)
2 Ayanas /12 Masas 1 Varsha (Year)

Concept of Five-Fold Elements During Creation

The Garba Upanishad in Vedic Scripture dealing with the theory of the formation and development of the human embryo and human body after birth quotes on five fold nature of human formation.

पञ्चात्मकं पञ्चसु वर्तमानं षडाश्रयं

षड्गुणयोगयुक्तम् ।

तत्सप्तधातु त्रिमलं द्वियोनि

चतुर्विधाहारमयं शरीरं भवति ॥

The body is fivefold in nature (the five elements), existing in the five, depending on the six supports (tastes of food), connected with the six qualities, consisting of seven dhātus (tissues), three impurities, having two yonis (sexes), and nourished by four kinds of food.

Rasis/Zodiac, Planets - Connected to Panchabhutas - Refer - Astrology - An Expression Of Energy

Six Primary Tastes - Sun( Pungent), Moon (Saline), Mars(Bitter), Jupiter(Sweet), Venus (Sour), Saturn(Astringent), Mercury (Mixed Taste)

Sapta Dhatus - Sun (Bones), Moon(Blood),Mars (Bone Marrow), Mercury(Skin), Jupiter(Adipose Tissue), Venus ( Sperm), Saturn (Muscle).

Tridoshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each planet is categorised into one or combination of these Tridoshas.

Male/Female Sexes  - Male sex is ruled by Jupiter/Mars/Sun and Female by Moon/Venus.

Four Type of Foods - Pulses, Fruits, Vegetables are connected to seasons ruled by Satvik Planets. Meat is ruled by Saturn/Rahu and Ketu as they represent Tamasic food.

पञ्चात्मकमिति कस्मात् पृथिव्यापस्तेजोवायुराकाशमिति ।


शरीरे का पृथिवी का आपः किं तेजः को वायुः किमाकाशम् ।

तत्र यत्कठिनं सा पृथिवी यद्द्रवं ता आपो यदुष्णं

तत्तेजो यत्सञ्चरति स वायुः यत्सुषिरं तदाकाशमित्युच्यते ॥

How is it pancātmakam (five-fold)? Because of the five: earth, water, fire, air and ether. In this five-fold body, what is earth, what is water, what is fire, what is air,and what is ether? It is said that what is hard is earth, what is fluid is water, what is warm is fire, what moves is air, and what is space is ether.

The Panchabhutas are the basis of the formation of foetus, which is governed by the five-fold time of conception. The creation is based on five elements, Agni, Prithvi, Vayu and Jala, each governing the four distinct phases in the cycle of birth and death. All the four elements binded by the fifth element Akasa.

  • Agni  - Commencement of Creation
  • Prithvi  -  Substance or Growth
  • Vayu - Degeneration
  • Jala   - Dissolution/Destruction.
  • Akasa - Prevails through Creation and dissolution.

Concept of Panchanga

The five elements are mapped on time, they denote five different qualities of time, which decides the predestined events of human life. These five key elements of time is called “Panchanga”, which means “Five Limbs”.

The five limbs of time are derived by astronomical position of Sun (Significator of Father) and Moon (Significator of Mother) which are basis of  “Prana”, the smallest measure of time. Hence the Luminaries Sun and Moon are Timekeepers.

Panchanga Calculations

Calculation of Panchanga
Tithi Every 12 degree distance of Moon from the Sun gives rise to one Tithi. The 360 degree motion of Moon in the zodiac gives rise to 360/12 = 30 Tithis.
Vaara The Hora lord (Planet) on the Sunrise will be the Lord of the Vaara. There are seven days in a week - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday.
Nakshatra The Longitude of the Moon at Birth in Zodiac/Rasi indicates the Nakshatra. Each Nakshatra duration is 13 deg. 20 min and is divided in 4 Charanas of each 3 deg 20 min and 1 Charana = Agni, 2nd Charana = Prithvi, 3rd Charana = Vayu, 4th Charana = Jala. There are 27 Nakshatra with 4 Charanas = 27 X 4 =108 Nakshatra Charanas.
Calculation of Nakshatra = Moon Longitude / 13 deg. 20 min.
Yoga There are 27 Yogas
Calculation of Yoga = (Moon Longitude + Sun Longitude) / 13 deg. 20 min
Karana One tithi consists of two Karanas. There are total 11 Karanas, 7 moveable and 4 Fixed.
Calculation of Karana = (Tithi) / 2

Panchanga Element, Planets and Dimensions of Life

Ruling Planet
Dimensions of Life
Tithi Jala (Water) Venus Relationships, Sustenance and Prosperity
Vaara Agni (Fire) Mars Energy and Physical Vitality
Nakshatra Vayu (Airy) Saturn Bad Experiences and Hardships
Yoga Akasa (Ether) Jupiter Fame and Fortunes
Karana Prithvi (Earthy) Mercury Accomplishments and Profession.


Astrology is a science based on Karma/Past lives. Few life events are predestined often called as Destiny or Fate. However it is believed that humans are empowered to make decisions and choices for few events in life independent of fate/destiny, which is called freewill.

Thus, the Pancha- Angas (Five Limbs of Time) in Astrology, brings synergy of time and five elements. The new born with the first “Prana” will start exchanging the energies with nature based on the favourable or unfavourable position of planets ruling the Panchanga elements at birth governs the predestined events in the life, thus influencing the “Fate” of an Individual. On the the other hand, in Muhurta or Electional Astrology, the individual has the liberty to execute his “Freewill”, wherein a suitable time can be chosen based on the favourable positions of planets in the Muhurta chart for attaining success in the events of life.

Hence, the Timing of birth or Prashna/Query or Muhurta, which is governed by the Panchanga plays a crucial role in deciphering the accurate predictions for the Individuals and Mundane events.