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October 15, 2024

October Astrology Events

Written by

Vikram Labhe


Astrology Experience 

October Astrology Events


Welcome to Melooha’s monthly astrological events review blog! October 2024 ushers in a mesmerising moonlit march, where each lunar phase shines with its own vibrant vibe and vivacious energy. From the silent sweep of the New Moon to the dazzling dazzle of the Full Moon, these celestial milestones paint the sky with moments that are larger than life. Not only do these phases whoosh through the cosmos, they also offer cosmic cues for reflection and transformation, sparking both astronomical awe and astrological insight. Boom! It’s a month where the Moon takes centre stage, guiding us through its luminous labyrinth.

October 3rd, 2024 New Moon at 00:19

Astronomical Definition:
A New Moon occurs when the Moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun, with its dark side facing us. During this phase, the Moon is essentially invisible from Earth, marking the start of a new lunar cycle. In astronomical terms, the New Moon signifies a fresh beginning for the Moon's orbit around Earth. As sunlight only illuminates the far side of the Moon, the near side remains hidden in darkness. This phase occurs approximately every 29.5 days and plays a critical role in the timing of solar eclipses, which only happen during a New Moon when the Moon's path crosses the ecliptic plane.

Astrological Definition:
Astrologically, the New Moon represents new beginnings, fresh starts, and planting seeds for future growth. It’s a time for setting intentions, reflecting on personal goals, and initiating new projects. The energy during this phase is introspective and fertile for manifestation. The darkened sky signifies a blank slate, inviting us to go inward, explore our deepest desires, and plan for the future. During this New Moon in October, consider reflecting on areas of your life where you seek growth and transformation. Harness this energy by setting clear, actionable intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle.

October 11, 2024 First Quarter Moon at 00:25 

Astronomical Definition:
The First Quarter Moon occurs when the Moon is halfway between the New Moon and Full Moon phases. At this point, one-half of the Moon's surface is illuminated, and it appears as a perfect half-moon when viewed from Earth. The First Quarter Moon rises around noon and sets around midnight, offering the best visibility during the afternoon and evening. Astronomically, this phase represents the Moon's growing power as it begins to wax, building towards the Full Moon. It marks a period of increasing light and energy in the lunar cycle, a shift from the dark New Moon toward the brightness of the Full Moon.

Astrological Definition:
In astrology, the First Quarter Moon symbolises action, decision-making, and overcoming challenges. It’s a time of tension as the intentions set during the New Moon begin to face obstacles. The energy at this stage is dynamic and forward-moving, encouraging decisive actions to bring those intentions to life. This phase asks you to confront challenges head-on, make critical decisions, and push through any resistance or self-doubt. During October's First Quarter Moon, assess the progress of your goals, adapt your approach as needed, and stay resilient in the face of adversity.

October 17, 2024 Full Moon at 16:56

Astronomical Definition:
The Full Moon occurs when the Earth is positioned directly between the Sun and the Moon, with the Moon fully illuminated by the Sun’s light. It rises at sunset and sets at sunrise, creating a stunning spectacle in the night sky. The Full Moon marks the peak of the lunar cycle, with the Moon's surface entirely visible from Earth. Astronomically, this phase is significant for its role in lunar eclipses, which can only occur during a Full Moon when the Moon passes through Earth's shadow. The Full Moon's brightness and prominence make it a striking time for observation, and it has been historically associated with various cultural and natural phenomena, including tidal shifts and nocturnal animal behaviour.

Astrological Definition:
Astrologically, the Full Moon represents culmination, illumination, and heightened emotions. It is a time when the intentions set during the New Moon come to fruition, or alternatively, when challenges reach their peak. The Full Moon’s light shines on matters that need resolution or release, revealing truths and bringing clarity. Emotions tend to run high during this phase, making it a powerful time for reflection, closure, and letting go of what no longer serves you. October's Full Moon invites you to embrace completion, celebrate achievements, and make space for personal growth by releasing old patterns, habits, or situations that have outlived their purpose.

October 24, 2024 Last Quarter Moon at 13:33

Astronomical Definition
The Last Quarter Moon, also known as the Third Quarter Moon, occurs when the Moon is three-quarters of the way through its cycle, halfway between the Full Moon and the New Moon. During this phase, half of the Moon’s surface is illuminated, but the opposite half from the First Quarter Moon. The Last Quarter Moon rises around midnight and is visible during the early morning hours. Astronomically, this phase marks the Moon’s transition from the bright, reflective Full Moon back into the darkness of the New Moon. The diminishing light signifies the waning phase of the lunar cycle as the Moon's energy begins to wind down.

Astrological Definition: 
In astrology, the Last Quarter Moon symbolises reflection, release, and transformation. It is a time for evaluating the lessons learned throughout the lunar cycle and determining what needs to be released before the next New Moon. This phase encourages introspection and forgiveness, inviting you to let go of anything that has been holding you back or causing inner conflict. The energy during the Last Quarter Moon is contemplative, offering a space for closure and preparing for the next cycle. In October, the Last Quarter Moon offers an opportunity for introspective reflection, healing, and shedding old energies or patterns that no longer align with your growth.


The October 2024 lunar cycle presents a powerful opportunity for growth and self-discovery through its four key phases. Astronomically, each phase plays a crucial role in the lunar orbit, while astrologically, these phases mirror the natural cycles of intention, action, culmination, and release. Whether you look to the stars for scientific exploration or spiritual guidance, the New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon, and Last Quarter Moon each offer unique insights into both the cosmos and our inner selves. Embrace the energy of each lunar phase as you navigate the journey of transformation and personal growth this October.