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April 4, 2024

Great World Leaders From Each Zodiac Sign

Written by

Vikram Labhe


Astrology Experience 

Great World Leaders From Each Zodiac Sign

A leader is a person who can guide or direct others towards a common goal. Leaders are inspiring individuals who dare to be different from the rest. Do zodiac signs have any part to play in one's capacity to lead? Indeed, they do. According to Astrology, an individual's character and the effect that they can have on others depends upon the Zodiac that they fall under. In this blog, let us yakr a closer look at some widely popular leaders and the zodiac signs that they fall under.

Thomas Jefferson (Aries)

Thomas Jefferson was a President and also one of the founders of America. Like a true Arien, He displayed qualities of courage, fearlessness, and confidence. He wore different caps with ease, being not only a statesman, but also an inventor, and philosopher. As a fiery Arien, he was full of zeal for life, not bowing down to challenges, and excelling in every field.

Queen Elizabeth II (Taurus)

The monarch who reigned over Britain for the longest possible time was the Taurus, Queen Elizabeth II. Qualities like hard work, dedication to her bloodline, and reliability are features of leaders born under this Zodiac sign. Leaders under this sun sign are grounded, smart, and organized, making them people to look up to.

Aung San Suu Kyi (Gemini)

Aung San Suu Kyi from Myanmar was courageous and fought patiently for democracy and peace. She showed kindness and courage even with the brutality around her, making her a people’s leader. Suu Kyi stood up for non-violence and human rights like how a person born under this sign would. This won her a peace prize.

Nelson Mandela (Cancer)

Nelson Mandela was known for his gentle, kind, and protective nature, just like a crab, which is the symbol of those born under the Zodiac sign of Cancer. He was the first president of South Africa. Mandela emerged as a strong political figure and eliminated Apartheid, while also bringing in democracy. He showed patience, sympathy, and compassion, just like a leader under this sign would.

Barack Obama (Leo)

Barack Obama, the first black president of the United States has his birthday in August. That makes him a Leo. The zodiac sign of Leo has many naturally born leaders who can easily take hold of a situation and lead like a lion. Obama too has won the hearts of the people with his charismatic personality, energy, wit, and enthusiasm. Leos can lead with passion and people will be always to them.

Narendra Modi (Virgo)

The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi is a Virgo. He has shown all the characteristics of a natural leader under this Zodiac Sign. His dedication to a life of service, careful nature, and analytical leadership are all qualities of a leader. Unique personality traits like good decision-making, careful planning, and efficiency are key plus points of a Virgo. Modi is also modest and hardworking, just like a Virgo leader would be.

Kamala Harris (Libra)

Kamala Harris falls under the Zodiac Sign of Libra. Her qualities of being just and fair while showing equality make her a true Libran. Not only has Kamala had an education in law, but her balanced approach toward understanding the perspective of others has made her a true leader. Librans like Senator Harris are always balanced and realistic.

Indira Gandhi (Scorpio)

The first woman Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi is a Scorpio. She was known as a smart and highly intelligent leader, clear traits of a Scorpio. She was a successful political leader and led a political party with courage as the first woman in power. Scorpios like her possess an unwavering determination that drives them to pursue their goals without giving up.

Joseph Stalin (Sagittarius)

Born on 18 December 1878S, Stalin grew up to be a Soviet revolutionary and politician who was the leader of the Soviet Union.  The Soviet press often described him as great, beloved, bold, wise, inspiring, and genius. Just like a true Sagittarius, he made an excellent leader who was readily followed.

Martin Luther King (Capricorn)

Martin Luther King Jr has his birthday in January, making him a Capricorn. All the traits of a Capricorn like ambition, consistency, intelligence, and hard work were seen in him. His strong leadership skills and passion for equality helped him achieve equal rights for Black Americans. Capricorn leaders are known for their discipline and ambition.

Abraham Lincoln (Aquarius)

Abraham Lincoln was instrumental in ending slavery. His vision of a world liberated from mistreatment made him a genuine Aquarian, as he was born in February. Aquarians like him are known for their insight, helpfulness, and inventiveness.

George Washington (Pisces)

The zodiac sign of the first president of the United States was Pisces. True to his zodiac, Washington was generous, strong, and compassionate. Leaders under this sun sign see the world through a unique lens making them true visionaries.


These undeniably popular pioneers, though they are from various zodiac signs became extraordinary world leaders owing to their capacity to lead change, identify with individuals, use sound judgement, and be strong despite challenges. We can learn from these great world leaders to face difficulties and never surrender.