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February 6, 2025

Ancestors, Lineage - An Astrological Significance

Written by

Swarna Rao


Astrology Domain

Ancestors, Lineage - An Astrological Significance


According to Sanatana Dharma, as we are born in this world, we are bound by the Dharmic debts or Runas, which we must repay in order to live a balanced life and attain Moksha or liberation. It is closely related to the law of karma, as the fulfilment of debts impacts the karmic journey of individuals. These debts are a way of expressing gratitude for numerous gifts that we receive from the world, which left undone incurs further karmic bondage.

According to Satapatha Brahmana, Verse,

ऋणं हा वै जायते योस्ति जायमाने एव

देवेभ्य ऋषिभ्यपितृभ्यो मानुषेभ्यः

Verily, whoever exists, he, in being born, is born as (owing) a debt to the gods, to the Rishis, to the forefathers and to men”.

Table 1: According to Vedas, the different debts / Runas that has to be repaid as a human being are:

Type of Dharmic Debt Debt Towards
Deva Runa Gods & Goddesses
Rishi Runa Sages
Pitru Runa Ancestors / Pitrus
Manushya Runa Humanity

Among the above Runas, “Pitru Runa” is one of the important concept in our Sanatana Dharma.

Ancestors or Pitrus:

Pitrus are the spirits of departed ancestors who reside in the Pitruloka, which exists between the Earth (Bhooloka) and one realm higher than the Earth (Bhuvarloka). Our ancestors remain in the Pitruloka after death and are guided by the Pitrudevatas towards the liberation.

An individual is indebted to his/her parents and ancestors, as they are the cause of their birth by continuing their lineage. It is the duty of every individual to be grateful to them for giving this wonderful body through which one is able to achieve great things in life and the sacrifices done by them for ensuring better life for the forthcoming generations. This is the “Pitru Runa” which we must repay.

The Pitru Runa can be cleared only by entering into the Grihasthashrama or marriage and begetting progeny  and upbringing them with the values of Dharma, so that they continue the same responsibility.

Astrological Significance:

The Karaka or significator of Father as per Vedic Astrology is Sun, as he is the giver of all life forms. Sun also signifies ancestors in everyone’s horoscope. The 9th Bhava in the horoscope represents Father, forefathers and ancestors.

The Trikona Bhavas (1,5,9) in the horoscope are interlinked. The 9th Bhava represents the past, ancestors and father. The 5th from the 9th Bhava is the Ascendant / Lagna, which represents the Self or the present life. Hence, the Self, personality and our existence is dependent on the 9th House. The individual will carry the genes, culture and Dharma from the 9th House or Pitru Bhava. The 5th from the Lagna is the “Suta Bhava”, which signifies children / Progeny and represents the future, the Karaka for which is Brihaspati or Jupiter.

In the Kalapurusha chart, the 1,5,9 Bhavas which represent Past, present and future are also the o Points and the Nakshatras at these Gandantas are the points of transition between the Jala Tattva Rasi and Agni Tattva Rasi. Jala Tattva represents “Past” and Agni Tattva represents “Future”. These Nakshatras  are ruled by Ketu, which is a karmic planet and governs the progression of the lineage.

The Gandanta Nakshatras are Ashwini, Magha and Moola. The Ancestors represent the “Root / Moola” from where the traits are passed on to the native, who is in-turn the “Lagna / Self”. The “Ashwini” represents the first Nakshatra in the Kalapurusha chart, from where a new life begins, the seed which originated from the Father or the ancestors. From the Self, the lineage progresses through the blessings of the “Pitris / Ancestors, which is the “Magha” and represents the “Suta / Progeny”. In this way the collective consciousness is carried forward through the generations.

Gandanta Nakshatra Rasi Deity Bhava Evolution Link
Ashwini Aries Ashwini Kumaras Lagna Present Self
Magha Leo Pitrudevatas Putra Future Progeny
Moola Sagittarius Niritti Pitru Past Father/Ancestors

Pitru Dosha or Pitru Srapa:

Pitru Dosha is a karmic debt accumulated by the ancestors and a part of which is transferred to their descendants through inheritance. It  is the negative karmic influence of the ancestral karma or lineage, which needs to be accepted , whether we want it or not. The negative influence may occur due to various reasons as below:

  1. Bad deeds or bad karma of ancestors in previous life,
  2. Unfulfilled desires or vows of ancestors, 
  3. Sudden or unnatural death of ancestors in early age,
  4. Forgetting to remember or honour the ancestors.

These karmas need to be addressed or resolved in the present life, which may otherwise adversely affect the native and his descendants in the form of various obstacles and hardships.

Identifying Pitru Dosha Astrologically:

Any curse in a horoscope is generally identified by the affliction of the Karaka Grahas/significators by Krura/ malefics. 

The influence of the ancestral karma on the native can be seen through certain planetary positions in the horoscope. 

Sun is the Pitrukaraka and Moon is the Matrukaraka in Astrology. Hence, the affliction to Sun or Moon indicates Pitru Dosha. The affliction of Jupiter, which is the natural Ninth House lord also forms this Dosha. The affliction is caused by Rahu and Ketu, which are the karmic planets and the Karma Karaka, Saturn. 

The affliction of Sun or Moon or the 9th lord can occur in any of the Bhava/House in the horoscope based on the karma of the individual. The Dosha can be formed by one or more than one planets or Grahas, depending on the type of karmic debt created by the ancestors.

Effects of Pitru Dosha:

The Pitru Dosha can affect various spheres of life. The ancestral karma gets carried over to the descendants or the future generations. 

The native may face sudden challenges, obstacles or delays in personal and also in professional life.

The Dosha may create problems related to the areas or significations based on the Bhavas in which it is formed, the position of the Bhava lord, the Nakshatras and the Navamshas in which the malefic combination occurs, running Mahadasha / Antardasha and the overall horoscope.


It can be concluded that the Pitru Dosha is not as such a curse from the ancestors, but the inheritance of the karmic debt from the ancestral family line. This impacts the native significantly in major spheres in the form of delays, misfortunes, health issues, marital issues, problems related to children or total denial of children.

The karmic debts due to Pitru Shrapa Yoga needs to be cleared by the native by performing proper Shraddha rituals to his parents and ancestors with sincerity.

These rituals to honour the ancestors are performed in the Krishna Paksha or the waning phase of the Moon in  Bhadrapada Maasa, which is the sixth month of the Hindu Lunar Calender, when Sun transits into Virgo/Kanya Rasi. This is the moment when the Sun transits from the North to South celestial sphere. The South celestial sphere is considered to be the abode of the Pitris or ancestors. The Pitris are believed to descend to the earthly plane during this period in subtle form to receive the offerings from their living descendants, which concludes on “Sarva Pitru Amavasya”.

The ritual involves giving “TilaTarpanam” to the deceased ancestors. In this ritual, 

  • The “Darbha or Kusha grass”, which signifies Ketu is worn on the ring finger which signifies the Sun.
  • The sesame seeds are used for Tarpana Vidhi, which signifies Saturn and Rahu.
  • The food prepared by Black gram is offered to the Brahmin, which signifies Rahu
  • Feeding cows and crows and undertaking charity works.

The above ritual appeases the ancestors, as the planets causing the karmic debt or the Pitru dosha are honoured, thereby seeking their blessings. Thus, Astrology is an effective tool which helps us to identify Bhavas which are affected by the Pitru Doshas/Srapas in the individual horoscope. Thus, performing prescribed vedic remedies we thereby avoid obstacles and hardships by clearing the karmic debt or Pitru Runa, so that our future descendants can be blessed and protected by Pitru Devatas.


  1. “Punyachakra and Srapa” by Sarajit Poddar.
  2. “Pitra Dosh” by Himanshu Shangri.

Read More Blogs:

Decoding Shadripus in Astrology - https://www.melooha.com/blog/decoding-shadripus-in-astrology
Ashubha Kaala (Inauspicious Timing) In Panchanga - https://www.melooha.com/blog/ashubha-kaala-inauspicious-timing-in-panchanga